“Let Nature be your teacher”
~William Wordsworth
Healthy, Sustainable, Humane, Informed
For direct biology instruction and curriculum aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards please visit my other website at www.SevenGablesScience.com
For tutorials and farm content just scroll down.
Pollinator Friendly Herbicide
Did you know native honey bees are one of the most important pollinators on the planet! Bees & other pollinators are responsible for pollinating ¾ of the plants that provide 90% of our food. Due to wide spread use of commercial pesticides, insect pollinators are becoming increasingly threatened.
You can help by using insect friendly pesticides. Mix up your own to eliminate those pesky weeds by combining 1 gallon of vinegar, 1 cup of salt, & 1 tbsp of liquid dish soap. Mix well & drench weeds on a dry, sunny day.
Our Mobile Chicken Coop
Check out this video to see why we built our mobile chicken coop.
To see how we harvest our honey using the innovative FLOW hive click the link below.